Struggling in college?

Harlan will help you with homesickness, making friends, navigating classes, getting involved, finding mentors, academic success, reducing stress, and so much more. Join now and get access to WEEKLY Q&A with Harlan, coaching, and his college success video library.

Coaching is for PARENTS and/or STUDENTS.

College IS change...

Harlan will help students and parents navigate the 5 major transitions BEFORE and DURING the college years.

  • Social Transition

    Harlan helps you put together a plan to make new friends, find your people, establish community, get involved, and stay safe in new social situations.

  • Emotional Transition

    Harlan helps you put together a plan to manage homesickness, work through anxiety, find support, and create wellness routines and habits.

  • Financial Transition

    Harlan helps you put together a plan to manage money, put together a budget, build credit, look for a campus job, and navigate the financial changes ahead.

  • Physical Transition

    Harlan helps you put together a plan to create your new space, communicate with roommates, explore your surroundings, and take care of your physical health & wellness.

  • Academic Transition

    Harlan helps you put together a plan to manage your time, connect with professors, form new study habits, take advantage of academic resources, and thrive in the classroom.

America's #1 College Success Coach Will Guide and Support You Through it ALL

Harlan Cohen is the bestselling author of 7 books. His titles have over 1 million copies in print. He is also a speaker who has presented at over 500 high schools and college campuses and hosts The Harlan Cohen podcast. He has over 1 million followers across social media.

For over 25 years, Harlan has helped millions of students and parents successfully prepare, plan for, and navigate life during the college years and beyond.

>  Al Roker and Harlan Discuss Tips for College Parents

What They Don't Tell Students...

Harlan helps you prepare for what's next. This saves you time, money, and emotional energy.

  • 47.8 percent of students reported having ACADEMIC problems or challenges. Of this group, 87 percent said this issue caused them moderate or high distress.

  • 50.8% of College students reported feeling LONELY over the past 12 months

  • 50.3 percent of students reported having FINANCIAL problems or challenges over the past 12 months.

  • 28.2 percent of students reported having ROOMMATE problems or challenges over the past 12 months.

  • Four-year graduation rate for students attending public colleges and universities is 33.3%. The six-year rate is 57.6%. At private colleges and universities, the four-year graduation rate is 52.8%, and 65.4% earn a degree in six years.

  • (Source: ACHA-NCHA Spring 2023 survey and U.S. Department of Education)


LIVE  Coaching with Harlan 
Weekly (Aug-Dec).  Bi-Weekly (Jan-July). 

LIVE group coaching covers all the important issues. Each session includes live Q & A and direct access to Harlan. Topics include:

  • Making friends
  • Academic success
  • Study skills 
  • Time management
  • Paying for college
  • Roommates
  • Relationships
  • Homesickness
  • Mental health
  • Staying safe on campus
  • Leadership
  • Jobs and internships
  • And so much more

All coaching sessions are recorded and available 24/7 in the Best First Year portal.

Best First Year includes:



    1. (September 24th Coaching) Getting Involved & LIVE Q&A

    2. (September 17th Coaching) Managing Time & Q&A

    3. (September 11th Coaching REPLAY) Professors and Live Q&A

    4. (September 3rd REPLAY) Making Friends & LIVE Q&A

    5. (August 27th REPLAY) Setting 1st Year Expectations and LIVE Q&A

    6. (August 19th) Topic: Creating Your Financial Transition Plan

    7. (August 6th REPLAY) Topic: Creating Your Academic Transition Plan

    8. (July 23rd REPLAY) Topic: Creating Your Physical Transition Plan

    9. (REPLAY July 9th) Topic: Creating Your Emotional Transition Plan

    10. (REPLAY June 25th) Topic: Creating Your Social Transition Plan

    11. (REPLAY June 11th): Money Questions (loans, budgets, jobs, scholarships, tuition)

    12. (REPLAY May 28th) Topic: Favorite Clubs and Activities

    13. (REPLAY May 14th) Topic: Living on Campus

    14. (REPLAY April 30th) TOPIC: Things I Learned at Newly Admitted Student Day

    15. (REPLAY April 16th) TOPIC: 5 Study Methods That Are Proven To Work


    17. (REPLAY March 9th) WIN OR LEARN in '24 - Your LONG-TERM Risk-Taking Experiment

    18. (REPLAY March 5th) WIN OR LEARN in '24 - Step 5. CELEBRATE, REFLECT, REPEAT




    22. (REPLAY Jan 9th) WIN or LEARN in '24 - Step 1. WANT SOMETHING

    1. Class of 2024 New Members

    2. December Program REPLAY: 13 Mistakes High School Students Make When Choosing a College


    4. (February 29 REPLAY) CLASS OF 2024 EVENT - 7 Money Must Do's for High School Grads

    5. (March 28 REPLAY) 5 SIMPLE RULES FOR PARENTS: Help your Student Navigate The Changes Ahead

    6. (April 18th REPLAY) Committing to a College: Final Checklist & Next Steps

    7. (May 7th REPLAY) 17 Things You Need to Do Before College

    8. (July 11th REPLAY) 15 Things New College Parents Should NEVER Do

    9. (August 5th REPLAY) 17 Things You NEED to Do Before Starting College

    1. (August 15 REPLAY) TOPIC: Setting Expectations, Connecting to Campus, and Roommates

    2. (AUGUST 22 REPLAY) TOPIC: Making New Friends, People, Places, Patience

    3. (AUGUST 29 REPLAY) TOPIC: Staying Safe on Campus (Alcohol, Drugs, Consent, and other taboo topics)

    4. (September 5 REPLAY) TOPIC: Life Inside the Classroom (professors, study resources, time management, getting help)

    5. (September 13 REPLAY) TOPIC: Your Mental Health (homesickness, stress, anxiety, rejection, and navigating change)

    6. (September 19 REPLAY) TOPIC: Finances (making money, managing money, saving money)

    7. (September 26 REPLAY) Dating, Relationships, and Emotional Risk-Taking

    8. (October 4 REPLAY) TOPIC: Academic Check-In: Celebrate your Cs, Ds, and Fs (time to get help)

    9. (October 11 REPLAY) TOPIC: Transferring, Hazing, Not Fitting In and Other Problems

    10. (October 17 REPLAY) TOPIC: Staying on track to graduate in 4 years

    11. (November 1 REPLAY) TOPIC: Office Hours Tricks, Tips, and Questions to Ask Your Professor

    12. (November 7 REPLAY) TOPIC: The Truth About Transferring

    13. (November 14 REPLAY) Home For Holidays (things might be very different)

    14. (November 21 REPLAY) TOPIC: Job Search (looking for a job and internships)

    15. (November 28 REPLAY) Preparing for Final Exams (managing time, planning, study in a group)

    16. (December 12 REPLAY) TOPIC: Home For The Holidays

    17. (December 18 REPLAY) TOPIC: Celebrating Our Wins (a year in review)

    1. WATCH: What is your dream?

    2. DOWNLOAD AND COMPLETE: What is your dream?

    3. WATCH: Getting Comfortable

    4. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Getting Comfortable

    5. WATCH: The Big Transition

    6. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: The Big Transition Worksheet

    7. WATCH: The Three Ps

    8. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: The Three Ps Worksheet

    9. WATCH: Risk-Taking 101

    10. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Risk-Taking 101

    11. WATCH: Your College Plan

    12. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Your College Plan

    1. WATCH: Making Friends

    2. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Making Friends Worksheet

    3. WATCH: Getting Involved

    4. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Getting Involved Worksheet

    5. WATCH: Go Go Go To Events

    6. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Go Go Go To Events

    7. WATCH: The Fifth Wall

    8. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: The Fifth Wall Worksheet

    9. WATCH: Homesickness

    10. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Homesickness

    11. WATCH: The Shy Student

    12. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: The Shy Student Worksheet

    13. WATCH: About Your Parents

    14. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: About Your Parents Worksheet

    15. WATCH: Commuting Commuters

    16. DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE: Commuting Commuters Worksheet

Get Instant Access

  • $297.00
  • Based on the #1 Bestselling Book on College Life
  • 32+ LIVE Coaching Sessions and 24/7 Access to ALL Special Event Replays
  • Access to Harlan's College Success video library (50+ videos) and student success tools & resources


  • Live Coaching

    Harlan will help you each week (Aug-Dec) to navigate the first several months in college. Have a question? Harlan is here to help. Attend whenever you need help. Access all the recordings and materials.

  • Family & Student Access

    Each membership includes access for two family members. Take advantage of Harlan's LIVE events, recordings, coaching sessions, video lessons and activities. Use what you need when you need it.

  • BONUS: Class of 2024 Special Events

    Each month (Jan-July), Harlan hosts special events for The Class of 2024 students and families. Your Best First Year Membership gives you access to all live events and 24/7 replays to all the events.

2024 Special Events

Harlan hosted monthly programs for Best First Year students and families Best First Year Members get access to ALL recordings.

  • JANUARY: Getting in. Not getting in. Getting waitlisted, deferred, and other outcomes.

  • FEBRUARY: 7 Money Must Dos for High School Grads and Their Parents

  • MARCH: 5 Simple Rules for Parents: Help your student navigate the transition to life in college

  • APRIL: Committing to College Checklist. Make sure you check all the right boxes.

  • MAY: 17 Things You NEED to Do Before Going to College (for students and parents)

  • JUNE: Roommate Rules | Living on Campus | Mental Health Transition Plan

  • JULY: 15 Mistake Parents of First Year College Students Make (and how to avoid making them too)

  • August: 17 Things You NEED to Do Before College (students & parents)

"Harlan's Advice Saved Me..."

“I am a freshman at the University of Rhode Island. I have had a very tough time while adjusting to college and pretty much every bad thing was thrown my way. I was not even planning on returning next semester. Obviously since I was having such a hard time that meant my mom was too. She has found so much comfort in your videos. She sends me at least 2 a day and even sends them to my therapist! She has gotten our whole family on your videos! Your videos have also been so helpful for me too! I am happy to say that I am doing much better and am going to go back to school for the Spring semester.”

College Freshman


  • Does Harlan host every session?

    Absolutely! Harlan is committed to guiding you throughout this entire journey. He hosts weekly sessions in the fall and bi-weekly sessions in the spring. Additionally, he will be hosting six special programs that cover the most crucial topics you need to understand.

  • When is the best time to sign up for BEST FIRST YEAR?

    Now is the best time. Sign up during your senior year, the summer before college, or after college begins. Second-semester seniors can use the program to better prepare, plan, and navigate all the changes ahead. Current students can use the program to address ongoing challenges. Parents can sign up at any time to gain a baseline understanding of what is normal and what to expect during the college years.

  • Is BEST FIRST YEAR more beneficial for students or parents?

    BEST FIRST YEAR is equally beneficial for both students and parents. Parents and students can join and participate on their own. Some members participate as a family, using the topics as a springboard for engaging conversations.

  • Do I need to attend all group coaching sessions?

    No, not at all. You are welcome to attend as many sessions as you like. Use BEST FIRST YEAR to ask Harlan your questions as they arise. You can also watch previous coaching sessions when relevant issues come up. Remember, Harlan is there for you when you need him.

  • Will people see me if I participate in a group coaching session?

    Harlan hosts each group coaching session as a webinar, so no cameras are turned on. Students and parents can ask questions anonymously. Participants can support one another in the chat if they choose to contribute.

  • Does membership include access for the student and the parent?

    Yes. Once you sign up, a member of Harlan's team will reach out to register your second email address. If you have multiple students in college, send us a message. We'll do our best to ensure all students gain access.

  • Do members get access to all the coaching sessions and special events?

    Yes. As a member, you get access to all coaching sessions and 24/7 access to all recorded events. You also get access to Harlan’s College Success video library and worksheets if you want to delve deeper into college success.

  • Can I give BEST FIRST YEAR as a gift?

    YES! You can give BEST FIRST YEAR as a gift. Just check the gift option at checkout and and follow the prompts.

  • What if the cost is too high for me?

    Harlan offers an access-for-all guarantee. Let us know what you can afford, and we will do whatever we can to make this work for you. We NEVER want the cost to prevent you from getting the information you need.

Payment Details:

Includes LIVE group Q&A coaching sessions with Harlan Cohen. ACCESS-FOR-ALL GUARANTEE. If cost is an issue, email [email protected] and let us know what you can handle.

  • $297.00

    Access for 2 email addresses for 1-year. 30 day money-back guarantee. Institutional pricing available.

    Sign up now


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